Shianne Eagleheart, Founder/Executive Director

Shianne Eagleheart (Haudenosaunee-Seneca) is a Licensed Independent Counselor, Clinical Supervisor, Native American Ceremonial Leader, Professional Trainer, Ordained Minister, and the Executive Director and Founder of The Red Bird Center, Inc.

Shianne has extensive clinical experience in the treatment of adult and adolescent trauma survivors as it relates to chemical dependency, PTSD, dissociative disorders, re-victimization and violent offending. She is a multiple trauma survivor who has achieved both personal and professional success in healing from the effects of trauma, breaking a family cycle of violence and contributing to a greater community healing.

She has been working in the healing professions since 1985 and is active throughout the country and abroad as a keynote presenter and healing retreat provider. Shianne has successfully integrated the healing wisdom of her Ancestors within her clinical practice.

In 1997 Shianne wrote “The Wounded Bear” in response to the violence and heartbreak she has witnessed first hand in her community. She shares “The Wounded Bear” with the intent to promote healing. “The Wounded Bear” speaks directly to issues related to violence prevention, trauma recovery, and healing of the human spirit. This program is being presented in schools, universities, Veteran’s organizations, multicultural events, women’s programs, Native American / Aboriginal professional training conferences, mental health programs, hospitals, churches, international professional training conferences, social service agencies, correctional programs for both youth and adults.

Shianne has also been a professional trainer for Ohio Child Welfare Training Program, published author for Children and Youth/Journal and the author of “The Wounded Bear”, which offers the blueprint for community healing. This program is being produced in DVD trainer format for facilitators and community healing circles. Shianne is a cultural competency trainer for the state of Ohio Mental Health board. In the last decade, Shianne has developed healing practices for veterans and their families. She is a recipient of the 2010 Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation Transformation Award and the Hero for Andy award and the for her work within the Veteran community, as well as the 2012 Ohio Commission on Minority Health Award for the Native American Community Leadership.

Bob Parins, Site Manager

The man we cannot do without, Shianne’s beloved husband and our site manager Bob Parins. He is incredible. We honor him in his military service as a United States Army Veteran. He often guides Veterans healing and volunteer weekends. If it breaks, he fixes it. If something needs to be built, he builds it! He is also a baker and a singer of our Traditional songs for healing. We are in complete and utter amazement of his skills, generous heart, and dedication to the mission of The Red Bird Center.